工作经历:2024.09-至今 湖北民族大学林学园艺学院 讲师
教育经历:2019.09-2024.06 安徽农业大学 林学与园林学院 森林培育(硕博连读)
2015.09–2019.06 滁州学院 土木与建筑工程学院 园林(本科)
发表论文 (*通讯作者,#共一作者)
[1] Huang, C, Feng, C, Ma, YH, Liu, H, Wang, ZC, Yang, SB, Wang, WJ, Fu, SL, Chen, HYH. Allometric models for aboveground biomass of six common subtropical shrubs and small trees. Journal of Forestry Research,2021,33(4): 1317-1328.
[2] Huang, C., Zhang, M.R., Zuo, R.T., Pu, F.G., Feng, C., Fu, S.L.,et al. (2023). Altitudinal Gradients Modify the Ecological Stoichiometry and Enzyme Activities of Soil in a Natural Secondary Quercus spp. Forest of the Dabie Mountains. Forests 14(4), 12.
[3] Huang, C.Fu, S. L.Tong, Y. H.Ma, X. M.Yuan, F. Y.Ma, Y. H.Feng, C.Liu, H*.Impacts of Forest Management on the Biodiversity and Sustainability of Carya dabieshanensis Forests[J]. Forests. 2023;14(7):18
[4] Huang C, Fu SL, Ma XM, Ma XX, Ren XL, Tian XX, Tong YH, Yuan FY, Liu H. Long-term intensive management reduced the soil quality of a Carya dabieshanensis forest,Scientific Reports. 2023, 13(1):5058.
[5] Huang C, Wang Z, Liu Q, Ma Y, Tian X, Feng C, Liu H, Fu S: Estimation of Aboveground Biomass Fora Dominant Herbaceous Species in a Northern Subtropical Forest Using Height and Coverage. Appl Ecol Environ Res 2022:26.
[6] Zhang, M. R#. Huang, C#. Zhou, Y. Xie, W. Fan, S. C. Xiong, F. B. Dong, M. K. Liu, H. Effects of vegetation on soil microbial biomass carbon/nitrogen and soil enzyme activities in the Zhegao rivier wetland in different restoration years. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 2024, 22 (1): 849-868.
[7] Yang, F. Shao, W. Q. Lu, X. Y. Ying, L. Huang, C*. Improving effect of agroforestry intercropping on the quality and yield of edible chrysanthemums. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 2024, 22 (2): 1087-1105.
[8] Ma X, Huang D, Huang C, Tong Y, Yuan F, Ma X, Liu H, Fu S. The Application of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium Regulate the Growth and Morphological Development of Torreya grandis (Taxaceae) Saplings. Horticulturae. 2023; 9(11):1203.
[9] Xu H., Zhu Q., Huang C., Chen Z. , Lu X. Systematic analysis yeis of the GT1 family genes and their regulation anthocyanin metabolism red maple. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 2024,13.
[10] Tong Y. H., Wang Z. C., Gong D. X., Huang C., Ma X. M., Ma X. X., Yuan F. Y., Fu S. L. & Feng C. (2024) Enhancing Soil Fertility and Elevating Pecan Fruit Quality through Combined Chemical and Organic Fertilization Practices. Horticulturae, 10, 15.
[11] Yang, S.; Feng, C.; Ma, Y.; Wang, W.; Huang, C.; Qi, C.; Fu, S.; Chen, H.Y.H. Transition from N to P limited soil nutrients over time since restoration in degraded subtropical broadleaved mixed forests. Forest Ecology and Management 2021, 494, 8
[12] Ma, Y.H.; Feng, C.; Wang, Z.C.; Huang, C.; Huang, X.Z.; Wang, W.J.; Yang, S.B.; Fu, S.L.; Chen, H.Y.H. Restoration in degraded subtropical broadleaved forests induces changes in soil bacterial communities. Global Ecology Conservation. 2021, 30, 12
[13] Wang, Z.C.; Zhou, M.Y.; Liu, H.; Huang, C.; Ma, Y.H.; Ge, H.X.; Ge, X.; Fu, S.L.Pecan agroforestry systems improve soil quality by stimulating enzyme activity [J]. PeerJ, 2022, 9: 19.
[14] 钱晔,杨林森,黄铖,王兆成,杨浩,吴爱民.萘乙酸与多效唑组合喷施对薄壳山核桃幼苗生长和生物量分配的影响[J].东北林业大学学报,2023,51(06):64-69.
[15] 谷明远,刘华,黄铖,任晓亮,倪正,祁长建,傅松玲.遮荫对鸡爪槭非结构性碳和化学计量特征的影响[J].安徽农业大学学报,2023,50(02):228-234.
[16]黄东晨,任晓亮,马小民,黄铖,王飞,蒲哨峰,傅松玲. 榧树的花粉活力检测及短期贮藏条件[J]. 中南林业科技大学学报,2023,43(05):58-65+129,
[17] 黄铖,马玉华,杨少博等.叶用青钱柳优树的选择及其无性系区域化测定试验[J].安徽农业大学学报,2020,47(06):938-942.
薄壳山核桃高效栽培及产业化示范与推广, 安徽省科技重大专项,18030701187 ,参与
‘舒椿1号’香椿(皖 S-SV-TS-003-2023)
‘皖精1号’多花黄精(皖 R-SV-PC-001-2023)
‘皖精2号’多花黄精(皖 R-SV-PC-002-2023)
‘漫天红’钟花樱(皖 S-SC-PC-006-2022)