讲座题目:Dynamical behaviors of a Lotka-Volterra competition system in open advective environments
内容摘要:In this paper, we are concerned with a general reaction-diffusion-advection model which characterizes the interactions between two competing species in river environments. By regarding advection rates of two species as variable parameters, we provide an efficient way to completely understand the local dynamics. It turns out that there always exist two critical curves which may separate competition outcomes into competitive exclusion, bistability and coexistence. As a further development, under the assumption that the ratio of advection and diffusion rates of one species is greater than or equal to that of the other species, we give a specific classification on the global dynamics, which shows that bistability does not happen, but coexistence and competitive exclusion may occur. These interesting results indicate that advective movements play a key role in determining the dynamical behaviors.
专家简介:李艳玲,博士、教授、博士生导师,研究方向:反应扩散方程及其应用。2005年于西安交通大学获得博士学位,2009年晋升为教授。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目1项,主持完成国家教育部和陕西省自然科学基础研究计划项目各1项,参与完成国家自然科学基金和省部级基金10余项。在“Nonlinear Anal. RWA”、“Appl. Math. Lett.”、“Int. J. Biomath.”、“Acta Appl. Math.”、“J.Bifur. Chaos Appl. Sci. Engrg.”、“数学学报”、“Acta Mathematica Scientia”、“应用数学学报”等国内外学术期刊上发表论文 100余篇。在西安交通大学出版社出版《应用偏微分方程》著作1部。获陕西省科技成果进步二等奖和陕西省高等学校科学技术一等奖。