发布时间:2020-07-09 点击量:4313 来源: 作者:
李绍武(1979.8 - ),湖北咸丰县人,教授,工学博士,硕士生导师,湖北民族大学高层次人才,中国自动化学会会员,IEEE会员,计算机协会会员。现任电力电子控制与清洁能源应用科研创新团队负责人。
2000.09-2004.07 就读于大连民族学院(现大连民族大学),电子信息工程专业,获得工学学士学位
2005.09-2008.03 就读于东北大学,控制理论与控制工程专业,获得工学硕士学位
2012.09-2015.11 就读于东北大学,控制理论与控制工程专业,获得工学博士学位
2008.3至今 任教于湖北民族大学,信息工程学院(现智能学院)电气工程及其自动化专业
[1] 2020.01至今,基于线性化电池模型的光伏系统MPPT控制方法研究,国家自然科学基金,主持,35万元,在研.
[2] 2017.08-2020.12,基于可变天气参数的光伏系统自适应模糊MPPT控制策略研究,湖北省自然科学基金,主持,3万元,已结题.
[3] 2014.06-2015.06,针对恩施地区的光伏微电网系统研究,湖北省教育厅科研项目,主持,0.5万元,已结题.
[4] 2016.06-2018.12,基于天气预报数据的光伏系统MPPT控制策略研究,湖北省教育厅科研项目,主持,0.5万元,已结题.
[5] 2020.11-2021.11,风力发电机机舱智能消防预警系统的研发,湖北能源集团检修分公司,主持,11万元,结题.
[6] 2021.11至今,光伏发电场站的智能安保系统研发,湖北能源集团检修分公司,主持,10万元,在研.
[7] 2022.01至今,一种野外便携式风光互补电源的研发,湖北创偲诺电气科技股份有限公司,主持,30万元,在研.
[1] Shaowu Li. A variable-weather-parameter MPPT control strategy based on MPPT constraint conditions of PV system with inverter [J]. Energy Conversion and Management, 2019, 197: 111873. (中科院分区:SCI检索1区;JCR分区:SCI检索1区;EI检索)
[2] Shaowu Li. Linear equivalent models at the maximum power point based on variable weather parameters for photovoltaic cell [J]. Applied Energy, 2016, 182: 94-104. (中科院分区:SCI检索1区;JCR分区:SCI检索1区;EI检索)
[3] Shaowu Li. A maximum power point tracking method with variable weather parameters based on input resistance for photovoltaic system [J]. Energy Conversion and Management, 2015, 106: 290-299. (中科院分区:SCI检索1区;JCR分区:SCI检索1区;EI检索)
[4] Shaowu Li, Amine Attou, Yongchao Yang, Dongshan Geng. A maximum power point tracking control strategy with variable weather parmeters for photovoltaic systems with DC bus [J]. Renewable Energy, 2015, 74:478-488. (中科院分区:SCI检索1区;JCR分区:SCI检索1区;EI检索)
[5] Xianwen Gao, Shaowu Li (通讯作者), Rongfen Gong. Maximum power point tracking control strategies with variable weather parameters for photovoltaic generation systems [J]. Solar Energy, 2013, 93: 357-367. (中科院分区:SCI检索2区;JCR分区:SCI检索1区;EI检索)
[6] Shaowu Li, Aihong Ping, Yefeng Liu, Xiaohong Ma, Chao Li. A variable-weather-parameter MPPT method based on a defined characteristic resistance of photovoltaic cell [J]. Solar Energy, 2020, 199: 673-684. (中科院分区:SCI检索2区;JCR分区:SCI检索1区;EI检索)
[7] Shaowu Li, Honghua Liao, Hailing Yuan, Qing Ai, Kunyi Chen. A MPPT strategy with variable weather parameters through analyzing the effect of the DC/DC converter to the MPP of PV system [J]. Solar Energy, 2017, 144: 175-184. (中科院分区:SCI检索2区;JCR分区:SCI检索1区;EI检索)
[8] Shaowu Li. A variable-weather-parameter optimization strategy to optimize the maximum power point tracking speed of photovoltaic system [J]. Solar Energy, 2015, 113:1-13. (中科院分区:SCI检索2区;JCR分区:SCI检索1区;EI检索)
[9] Shaowu Li. A MPPT control strategy with variable weather parameter and no DC/DC converter for photovoltaic systems [J]. Solar Energy, 2014, 108:117-125. (中科院分区:SCI检索2区;JCR分区:SCI检索1区;EI检索)
[10] Shaowu Li, Xianwen Gao, Lina Wang, Sanjun Liu. A novel maximum power point tracking control method with variable weather parameters for photovoltaic systems [J]. Solar Energy, 2013, 97: 529-536. (中科院分区:SCI检索2区;JCR分区:SCI检索1区;EI检索)
[11] 李绍武,高宪文,冯玉昌.一种VWP分段模糊控制的光伏系统MPPT方法[J].东北大学学报(自然科学版),2015,36(8):1065-1068. (EI检索)
[12] 李绍武,高宪文.光伏系统的一种VWP区间模糊MPPT控制策略[J].太阳能学报,2016,37(5):1167-1173. (EI检索)
[13] Shaowu Li, Qin Li, Wenhai Qi, et al. Two variable-weather-parameter models and linear equivalent models expressed by them for photovoltaic cell [J]. IEEE Access, 2020, 8: 184885-184900. (中科院分区:SCI检索2区)
[14] Shaowu Li. A MPPT speed optimization strategy for photovoltaic system using VWP interval based on weather forecast [J]. Optik, 2019, 192: 162958. (中科院分区:SCI检索3区;EI检索)
[15] Xiaohong Ma, Shaowu Li (通讯作者). Power coupling characteristics between photovoltaic system and remote tourist area [J]. IEEE Access, 2020, 8: 169352-169366.(中科院分区:SCI检索2区)
[16] Shaowu Li. Circuit parameter range of photovoltaic system to correctly use the MPP linear model of photovoltaic cell [J]. Energies, 2021, 14: 3997. (中科院分区:SCI检索3区)